Our Family

Our Family

Monday, October 12, 2009

Morning Prayer

After a crazy morning with a Mommy who was doing a lot of yelling to get the children ready to head out the door, and two boys who did not want to get up and ready, we decided to pray on the way to school. "Dear God, please help us to make good choices and be good people. We ask that you be with us all day...amen."

Since Drew started preschool, he is very worried about Mommy leaving him. At Sunday School yesterday, I had the pleasure of tracing tiny hands and singing and dancing with 3 year olds, as Drew will not stop crying and becomes hysterical. It is becoming the norm for his teachers to hand him over to me screaming and crying, "MOMMY!" So, after our prayer about God being with us all day, Drew says, "Mommy, will you be with us too?" I'm sure he was thinking, 'Oh Mom, please don't leave me alone with God."

He's a challenging little guy, but truly is the greatest.

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