Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Shake Your Butt!

So, I guess I don't have a whole lot more to blog about than my children since I spend every breathing moment with them and they are just too adorable to ignore. All three of the Allen kiddos have been spending a lot of time dressing up in undergarments or strange jammies and dancing around the house. Ashton enjoys saying, "Shake your butt, shake your butt!" now, of course Darcy and Drew are repeating the same words. See, this is why I need to homeschool my children...they are just too nuts and innapropriate to leave the house. ;) Well, maybe this is the very reason they need to leave this crazy place and get with some "normal" children.

Due to the crazy dancing, I have been so entertained and have really enjoyed the past couple days watching our lovely children enjoy each other to the fullest.

I was going to post a video, although I don't trust this world enough to have my baby's butt up for all to see. Stop by our house and view it for yourself.

Now, go ahead and shake your own butt!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Library Fun.

Wow, I'm on a posting roll these days.

This morning the kiddos and I decided to venture out of our cave and go to the library and we had a great time. There is nothing better than having all 3 of my kids sitting on my lap on the library rug with our noses into a good book. We had a great time laughing at the funny stories and then went to play with the germ infested toys, which was okay since we were the only ones visiting at the time. As we all know, the bliss had to stop soon, it had simply been going on too long. So, Drew decided that he wanted a "cacker" and then some "duce". He wanted a cracker and juice and he wanted them NOW. He had seen me pack them in my purse before we left and he remembered right where they were. Of course, now Darcy and Ashton want some too. I decided we just needed to leave and go home and eat lunch. Leaving the library is never fun. The librarian knows to go ahead and check out the books while I get everyone ready, so she proceeded, but WAY too slowly. We were ready and she was not and the twins were running in opposite directions. Thank goodness Asher is able to help get one while I get the other. I could here Ashton telling Drew that running was not a good choice and we needed to get to the elevator to go home. I was cracking up by now and all I can do to stay sane.

I just smiled and when I looked up at the librarian, she was standing with her eyes wide open with two other ladies and they said, "How do you do it?" I really don't know, but somehow I do and I just thank God we did not have triplets. :)

Life is good.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Best Banana Muffins!

So, I am going to start off by saying that this was a recipe found on the internet, so I stole it but added my own twist, so maybe I can call it mine..hmph. My family has voted it to be a wonderful "muffin, fuffin, muffy" recipe and keep wanting MORE!!!!!

Here it goes...

3 0r 4 large bananas, mashed( I used 4)

1/2 cup sugar

1 slightly beaten egg

1/3 cup butter

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. baking powder

dash of salt

1 1/2 cups of wheat flour

*optional- I added flaxseed, as I do to almost everything I bake.

Mix the mashed banana, sugar, egg, and butter together. Set aside. In another bowl mix the dry ingredients and then mix them all together. Pour into greased muffin tins and bake at 350 degrees for about 2o minutes.

My kiddos love the mini muffins and eat them all day long.

Monday, January 7, 2008


I know as a mother we are always thinking that our children are brilliant, so of course all 3 of mine are. I just really needed to post about something that one of my little Einsteins said last night.

I was putting the kiddos to bed and had just put Drew down and he was crying(he hates leaving his Mommy and Daddy at night) and Darcy looked up at me concerned and said,
"What happened Mommy, Brother sad?"
This morning Darcy took a pen apart and came to me with it and said,
"Oopsy, sorry, Mommy."
I just can't believe the sentences this little girl is putting together at 21 months(20 months really) funny how everyone thought my kids would be delayed due to coming so early. ;) Way to go Allen twins!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Reality Hits

Wow, after a relaxing(as relaxed as you can get with 3 young kids) vacation away, it is back to the grind. I have been hit hard today with lists of things to do and I almost forgot the importance of my job as a Mommy. I did catch myself tell Ashton that he would have to wait to read a book, this is when I stood back and kicked myself in the butt. Lucky for both of us, I came to and we sat down and read a wonderful story together and the twins jumped up on the couch to listen along. Ahhhh, what a relief that I have children to put me in my place and remind me of what is important.

I am so stressed about selling our house that I forget to enjoy all these sweet moments and today that is going to change. I will only work on this house when my kiddos are napping or when I have Daddy home to snuggle them while I clean closets for the umteenth time. :)

Cheers to childhood! :)